Nodeschool International Day 2016

June 7, 2016 (9y ago)

Nodeschool Costa Rica

On May 21st, the Nodeschool International Day was celebrated for the third consecutive year in Costa Rica. The event aimed to promote the learning of JavaScript and Node.js through in-person workshops using interactive modules that help participants learn or improve by writing code and solving problems with the assistance of volunteer mentors.

This year, the event was held at the Jean Piaget Auditorium of the Omar Dengo Foundation, supported by excellent sponsors.

The event was scheduled to start at 10:00 am; however, from 8:30 am, a large number of people were already waiting for the auditorium doors to open, which greatly motivated us.

We had an excellent turnout with 150 participants and 30 collaborators serving as mentors, totaling 180 people. The atmosphere was friendly, lively, and a strong sense of community prevailed throughout the event.

In the afternoon, after the workshops concluded, there was a pleasant space where our sponsors held interesting raffles, offering prizes ranging from books to gaming monitors to the lucky winners.

At Costa Rica JS, we are very happy and satisfied with the positive feedback received through meetup, social networks, and articles like the one from, which emphasizes the need for more events like this in Costa Rica.

The following video summarizes the best of NodeSchool Costa Rica 2016: